Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Government Funded Abortions

I watched with much interest the vote in the House concerning the Government Health Care Bill. I was very pleased that government funded abortions were voted out of the bill. I know many will not agree, but I am pro life and I am against abortions. This bill was not to outlaw abortions it was just to stop tax payers from paying for them. This is not a health issue, except in extreme cases. It should not be paid for by the government. If we are going to pay for abortions, we should pay for breast implants and elective plastic surgery. Having an abortion, having breast implants, having elective plastic surgerty, etc. is not done to heal a health issue. It is a choice a person makes.
Pro lifers are seen in the media to be haters who want to limit women's rights. Not all of us are crazy people who want to kill the abortion doctors. We just feel very strongly about a moral issue. Why didn't the media show the tens of thousands of people who protested peacefully in DC before this vote? They want to sway the publics oppinion so that they will not consider what we stand for.


  1. I'm sorry but comparing an abortion to a cosmetic surgery is....insane!

    A person chooses to have their lips done, they do not choose to have a child that they can not pay for...oh wait..maybe you're right, maybe an abortion is like an elective surgery. Because what you do to your body is completely elective all the time.

    I'm not trying to be rude and I think it's important to stick to your beliefs but I don't understand this issue and people being against the government paying for something that would actually help. I understand it's a morality situation but let me purpose this to you.

    Say a 14 year old girl gets pregnant? Let's say she comes from a minority background and she is from a lower middle class/working poor socio-economic background. Now she could get gov't run programs but what if she can't? What if she can only get a low waged job and cant finish h.s.?

    Now, what if she could have gotten an abortion provided by the gov't as a way to wait til she was ready to have children? Would that be wrong? Pro-lifers would say yes but that's because they care about a child before it is born yet, when it is born they could care less.

    The gov't can not change the programs they have and can not switch to a socialism health care because it wouldn't work in the United States and yet thousands of young people are stuck with children they can't provide for.Our foster child care system is insane and many people keep having children to stay on welfare.

    So, my proposition to you is what about trying to change government run programs and educational reform so abortions would not see as an option except for these "extreme cases" you say. Instead of just being pro-life or pro-choice how about we work towards fixing the programs that make abortion seem like the right choice?

    Maybe it's because I am completely pro-choice because I don't want to see children born to children. I don't wanna see children grow up in broken homes because children were not taught better sex ed practices and "birth control" was a dirty word. It's time to change how we view sex and then maybe, just maybe, we wouldn't need such "cosmetic" surgeries. Now would we?

  2. I am fighting to see programs to help mothers adopt out their babies or if they choose to keep them, I am fighting to help them receive the help they need. I am not a hypocrite in this matter. I understand it is a hard decision, but killing unborn babies is not the answer. I support several ministries that help moms by paying for their health care, financially supporting the babies after birth, helping the moms to have time away from the baby for school, jobs, and social lives and in educating them not to get pregnant again, through abstinance and birth control, and educating these moms to be responsible moms.
    The law gives choice, whether I like it or not, but we should not pay for abortions. I repeat, it is not a health care issue. I understand your point, please understand mine. Lets agree to disagree. You fight peacefully for your ideals and I will fight peacefully for mine.
    By the way, pro lifers do care about the unborn and the birthed. Please understand we are not cold, uncaring people. Many of us have had abortions and regret it, and we want to help other ladies not to make the same mistakes. I have worked with many young girls who were pregnant, and some had abortions and some did not. No matter what their decision, I continue to love them and hope they won't be faced with this decision again.

  3. I will start off by saying that I am pro-choice. But, I like to look at everyone's perspective to understand where everyone comes from. I like how Barb compared abortions to cosmetic surgery because she is right, when you have sex and create that child you are making a choice. You choose to have sex unprotected which you know the risks. You can talk all the crap you want about someone being poor so they can't afford any form of birth control. There are many FREE clinics and all high school health rooms and guidance counselors provide condoms for FREE. They chose not to confide in someone for something they could have avoided. I believe that if the government is to pay for abortion it should be extreme cases such as rape or if it threatens the mothers life.

    Sex education should be mandatory for children starting in seventh grade in my opinion. As young as children are starting to be sexual, they should be taught younger. But, most girls by the age of 14 will understand the risk of getting pregnant due to having sex, education or not. They just don't understand the complexity of raising a child.

    I would actually like to see women or men who are crack, cocaine, heroine, and many other drug addicts get mandatory forms of birth control. Possibly even get their tubes tied or hysterectomies because it is more effective than birth control and is a reversible procedure for both sexes, if they do become clean and decide to reproduce.

    "The strongest principle of growth lies in human choice." ~ George Eliot
