All Nationhal Football League teams will support Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Pink coins will be used for the toss, the goal posts will be wrapped in pink padding, and coaches will wear pink caps and pink ribbon pins. Tanya Snyder, the wife of the owner of the Washington Redskins, will be the face of Breast Cancer Awareness Month for the NFL. Larry Fitzgerald of the Arizona Cardinals will be assisting her. Fitzgerald's mother died of breast cancer. Mrs. Snyder is presently battling breast cancer.
Chris Johnson of the Tennessee Titans will be wearing pink shoes and pink gloves. He is looking for a pink mouth gaurd to finish off his look. Johnson said, "Pink isn't the color most people think of in connection with football or the NFL." Johnson doesn't have a personal connection to the disease. He said it doesn't matter if pink isn't a "manly" football color. To him it's all about breast cancer. He wants to support the women going through the illness and remind all women ages 40 and up to have their mamograms. (http://www.heraldtribune,com/article/20091001/APS/910011918)
Mrs. Snyder said one of the players actually came up with the idea about wearing pink. She did not release the name of the player.
I am impressed that the NFL would show that "real men" can wear pink! It's refreshing to see that women are sometimes taken seriously.
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