Tuesday, November 10, 2009

What Does It Take to Be a Good Man?

The media says “real men” are violent. “Real men” don’t express their emotions verbally, they express their emotions physically.
Well, a new project called “the Good Men Project” shows otherwise. This is a discussion by 31 men about being a good son, father, husband and worker. This project is inspiring men to talk about their feelings.
Women have a developed social vocabulary. We talk to each other. Men don’t feel comfortable talking. Men can and do react to honesty. They will listen and change.
Finally, men are becoming “real men” and expressing their emotions by record numbers. They are attending seminars to help them communicate. They are going online at www.thegoodmenproject.org to read about other men and are responding with approval.

1 comment:

  1. This post was really interesting! I had never heard of this project before but it seems interesting. After all, men have never been told before that it is healthy to open up and create a talk about emotions, like you stated above. Men are told that masculinity is made up of "violent outburst" and defined expectations of them.

    I think show casing this project is really important because maybe it'll help spread the word?

    Although, I want to ask, what do you think makes up a "real man"? Stated above you said this will help men change, but what is your vision of this kind of change? We tell men to change, but change into what? I also think an important step is to also add talk about what men should be changing into and a relastic image for them to look up to. What do you think?
