Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Sexist Media

Once again the media has proven that they are sexist. The latest victim is once again Sarah Palin. Since the day Sarah Palin stepped onto the national stage by running for the Vice President, the attacks began. Constant remarks about her beauty were spoken. What did that have to do with the office she was running for? Did they remark how handsome (or not) Joe Biden was. Of course not, he's a man. He doesn't get looked at as a sex object. To remark that someone is attractive is one thing, but to constantly remark about their appearance to the point that they are looked at as bimbo's not to be taken seriously is another thing.
The latest attack came in the form of an article and picture on the front of the Newsweek magazine. The cover shows Palin dressed in shorts standing next to an American flag. The photo was taken from a magazine titled Runners World Magazine. Next to the picture was the title "How Do You Solve a Problem Like Sarah Palin". I guess their way of dismissing her, and therefore solve the problem, is to degrade her as a mere sex object. If that wasn't bad enough, the article states, "Obama knows the long odds against a right-wing populist winning the presidency, no matter how good she looks in a skirt (or running clothes), branishing a gun." Could they be anymore sexist? Obviously Barbara Walters thought there was something questionable about it, since she questioned her on the picture in an interview.
Whether you agree with her views or not, she shouldn't be degraded like that!
The media has been very critical and sexist toward Hillary Clinton also. They constantly make fun of her pantsuits, and seem always to question what President Clinton thinks of her policies. How often did they ask President Clinton what Hillary thought of his policies? How degrading for her. When she was questioned about what he thought about her stand on issues she reacted in frustration. Good for her. She and her husband should be respected, but at present time SHE is the Secretary of State not him.
The media better wake up - women are coming alive in the 21st Century, and we've got something to say that needs to be heard!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Sex Trafficking

A beautiful little 5 year old girl named Shaniya was found dead in North Carolina. Her mother has been charged with human trafficking and felony child abuse. She reportedly offered her daughter for prostitution. Isn't this heartbreaking? What kind of a mother could do this horendous act?
I found a website with a video that exposes who the men are that buy the children and women sold in the sex trade industry. The site is I also found a You Tube video that tells how we can stop this cruel, sick crime.

We need to keep our eyes open. It's happening in OUR communities.

Government Funded Abortions

I watched with much interest the vote in the House concerning the Government Health Care Bill. I was very pleased that government funded abortions were voted out of the bill. I know many will not agree, but I am pro life and I am against abortions. This bill was not to outlaw abortions it was just to stop tax payers from paying for them. This is not a health issue, except in extreme cases. It should not be paid for by the government. If we are going to pay for abortions, we should pay for breast implants and elective plastic surgery. Having an abortion, having breast implants, having elective plastic surgerty, etc. is not done to heal a health issue. It is a choice a person makes.
Pro lifers are seen in the media to be haters who want to limit women's rights. Not all of us are crazy people who want to kill the abortion doctors. We just feel very strongly about a moral issue. Why didn't the media show the tens of thousands of people who protested peacefully in DC before this vote? They want to sway the publics oppinion so that they will not consider what we stand for.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

What Does It Take to Be a Good Man?

The media says “real men” are violent. “Real men” don’t express their emotions verbally, they express their emotions physically.
Well, a new project called “the Good Men Project” shows otherwise. This is a discussion by 31 men about being a good son, father, husband and worker. This project is inspiring men to talk about their feelings.
Women have a developed social vocabulary. We talk to each other. Men don’t feel comfortable talking. Men can and do react to honesty. They will listen and change.
Finally, men are becoming “real men” and expressing their emotions by record numbers. They are attending seminars to help them communicate. They are going online at to read about other men and are responding with approval.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Violence In Children’s TV Programming
After reading the article in Gender, Race, and Class in Media titled “The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers” by Diane E. Levin and Nancy Carlsson-Paige, I was deeply concerned about the TV and movies our young children are seeing.
The article noted that teachers reported seeing an increase in violence after watching The Power Rangers, as children imitated what they had seen on the screen. The Power Rangers is a cartoon about five teenagers who change into super heroes to save the world. They use extreme violence in their attacks, which our young children are mimicking.

“Crime rates are increasing most rapidly among youth who were in their formative early years when children’s TV was deregulated and violent programs and toys successfully deluged childhood culture (“The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers”, pg 360). People in the TV, movie, and video games continue to argue that violence in entertainhment does not affect our children. How can they say that?
We’re living in an age where we are criticized if we spank our children when they misbehave. It is said they will grow up with violent tendencies. Isn’t that a bit hypocritical? What about the violence they are permitted to see each day? Levin and Carlsson-Paige said that children ages 2 to 5 watch an average of four hours of TV each day, and that equals seven years of TV by high school graduation. They also stated that by the time children complete elementary school they will have seen 8,000 killings and more than 100,000 other acts of violence. How can that much violence not influence our children. It desensitizes their young minds. They become so accustomed to seeing violence that when they actually witness it in person they can just walk by without stopping to help or even stand and by and watch, as was the case of a 15 year old girl in Richmond, CA who was ganged raped by at least 4 males. At least 15 people, all males, watched for over 2 hours. As news swept through the Homecoming Dance, others came out to join the audience, and some actually participated in the violence against this young girl.

Maybe it’s time to rethink the deregulation of children’s broadcasting. Certainly, parents need to watch carefully what they permit their children to view.