Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Thank You Dove

What an amazing message. Dove is doing a great service to the women of America. We need to be proud of who we are, not what we look like. Beautiful girls are feeling self conscious about their bodies like never before. Even litle girls are anorexic. Marilyn Monroe would be considered fat by todays standards.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, I love this about Dove. Their commercials, magazine advertisements and most other stuff are promoting acceptance and healthy body images in women of all shapes, sizes and color. Woman and even children today and within the last say…100 years have been born into an ideal of thinness and appearance. We have been bombarded with the fact that to be socially accepted you have to look a certain way through media representation in advertisements, TV shows and all other sorts of medium. I found these researched based statements on saying:

    ~Rumble, Cash, and Nashville found that the schematic association of attractiveness and thinness with goodness was present in over 100 female characters appearing in 23 Walt Disney animated films produced over a 60-year period. (And this is impacting kid’s minds that are very impressionable in seeing something over and over and thinking this is a right standard.)

    ~Teen-age girls who viewed commercials depicting women who modeled the unrealistically thin-ideal type of beauty caused adolescent girls to feel less confident, angrier and more dissatisfied with their weight and appearance

    ~Teens who watched soaps and TV shows that emphasized the ideal body typed reported higher sense of body dissatisfaction. This was also true for girls who watched music videos. Also reading magazines for teen girls or women also correlated with body dissatisfaction for girls.

    So I’m glad you pointed out Dove, their needs to be more people like them. After all the negative things on kids their needs to be more positive reinforcement.
